
Showing posts from June, 2018

I Always Feel So Cooped Up

For our last unit we are focusing on birth. In class we have been talking about the different components food has and what it's made of. We also watched a documentary called "Food inc." The reason why we decided to watch the documentary because we wanted to see how our food is actually handled with. I can say this opened our eyes and we were able to see how farmer, animals, and food is treated. I enjoyed this unit because I believe it was very important because this issue is happening in our generation and is effecting us. Citations: NPR.Oh, So That's What Goes Into A McDonald's Chicken. February 06, 2014.  Maria Godoy  TakePart. Food, Inc. January 22, 2015

I Guess You Can Say GMO Puns Are Pretty Corny

In this unit we have been talking about GMOs and how they effect us. Not many people notice that GMOs are everywhere. In class we watch a video about the "Green Revolution" which is basically about using modern science to grow our food supply. We also talked about supply and demand and how when making the food we usually will grow more of one thing such as corn or soybeans. For our AP in this unit we have to decide if we are either anti-GMOs or pro-GMOs. To help decide we went to a Farmer's Market and were able to see different perspectives about the pros . and cons about GMOs. It was a very great experience being able to speak to different people.