Independence for Puerto Rico
Throughout this term of Rhetoric, we have continued to learn and conduct a search about what it means to be rhetorical. This term really focused on the art of rhetorical and what can be demonstrated through art. Through this process, we did some research about different artists, and we had to analyze the rhetorical that we found within the pieces. For this action project, we had to create our own individual piece that tackles some type of global and current issue. When creating this piece we had to make sure that we include the concepts of pathos, ethos, and logos along with rhetorical devices. We were open to many different mediums like poetry, music, visual art, etc. I chose to create a multi-media art piece that speaks upon Puerto Rican independence.
I am a sixteen-year-old Puerto Rican from Humboldt Park, Chicago. This piece is focused on the Puerto Rican Independence Movement that is currently occurring in Puerto Rico. There is a large development to take away the title of “unincorporated territory,” which means that the land is controlled by the U.S government. Puerto Rico hasn’t had freedom ever since they were colonized by Spain in the early 1500s. I chose this issue because it’s not such a recognizable problem, and it has been an issue since 1898. Puerto Rican citizens are not given basic and sensible rights even though they are considered as half of U.S citizens. People should be aware of global issues that may be affecting others or even affecting themselves. This piece is meant to show what is actually happening in Puerto Rico and what the citizens of Puerto Rico are feeling. A lot of artists, elders, youth, and the people of Puerto Rico, in general, are finally starting to take action to fight for Puerto Rico to become an independent island/country, and not be run by the US government anymore. In regards to my painting, I tried to display the current state of Puerto Rico and what actual citizens are saying along with what they are thinking about this subject.
There is a lack of access to basic human rights as an “unacknowledged colony,” which is a term that is usually used in the Carribean because of the lack of freedom that is given. It’s been a constant battle of limitations that have been put upon the citizens of Puerto Rico. For example, economic development is constrained by federal laws. There is a 123 billion dollar debt on the island of Puerto Rico that has crippled the education and health care system, which affects everyone across the island. They have a voice, and they have the power to make a change within their community and people and need to use it.
Through this piece, I want people to really acknowledge the way Puerto Rico is being treated and how they have been treated for over a century. As my media for my art piece chose to use watercolors. The reason why I used watercolor is that I really like the effects it gives onto the paper, and there are many different types of textures that can be displayed when using this media. While creating this art piece I wanted to express pathos and ethos the most. I think when looking at an art piece you should feel something and establish an emotion when looking at it, so that’s what I really wanted to do for my audience. I first wanted to develop pathos by making the painting stick out and become noticeable in an intense way. I then used ethos by using actual quotes from those who live in Puerto Rico as protest signs so that viewers can actually know the opinions and beliefs that they have in regards to Puerto Rico’s independence and not just my thoughts as the creator.
I would ideally like my work to be displayed in a public location for more people to see instead of having in an enclosed space since the point of this art piece is to develop a message for others. I would like to see this by where I live, which is a primarily Puerto Rican neighborhood where I have seen a lot of art that relates to the Puerto Rican culture. Although, people in this area might already know about the issue I also want to encourage them to finally take action instead of only agreeing with it. I see a lot of discussions about this topic, but there should also be a reconstruction involving this matter. This would be a great impact because there are many “protest” artworks that involve Puerto Rico in this area, and I think it’s also very important to show what Puerto Rico and the citizens of Puerto Rico are currently going through and not only the beauty of it.
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I am a sixteen-year-old Puerto Rican from Humboldt Park, Chicago. This piece is focused on the Puerto Rican Independence Movement that is currently occurring in Puerto Rico. There is a large development to take away the title of “unincorporated territory,” which means that the land is controlled by the U.S government. Puerto Rico hasn’t had freedom ever since they were colonized by Spain in the early 1500s. I chose this issue because it’s not such a recognizable problem, and it has been an issue since 1898. Puerto Rican citizens are not given basic and sensible rights even though they are considered as half of U.S citizens. People should be aware of global issues that may be affecting others or even affecting themselves. This piece is meant to show what is actually happening in Puerto Rico and what the citizens of Puerto Rico are feeling. A lot of artists, elders, youth, and the people of Puerto Rico, in general, are finally starting to take action to fight for Puerto Rico to become an independent island/country, and not be run by the US government anymore. In regards to my painting, I tried to display the current state of Puerto Rico and what actual citizens are saying along with what they are thinking about this subject.
There is a lack of access to basic human rights as an “unacknowledged colony,” which is a term that is usually used in the Carribean because of the lack of freedom that is given. It’s been a constant battle of limitations that have been put upon the citizens of Puerto Rico. For example, economic development is constrained by federal laws. There is a 123 billion dollar debt on the island of Puerto Rico that has crippled the education and health care system, which affects everyone across the island. They have a voice, and they have the power to make a change within their community and people and need to use it.
Through this piece, I want people to really acknowledge the way Puerto Rico is being treated and how they have been treated for over a century. As my media for my art piece chose to use watercolors. The reason why I used watercolor is that I really like the effects it gives onto the paper, and there are many different types of textures that can be displayed when using this media. While creating this art piece I wanted to express pathos and ethos the most. I think when looking at an art piece you should feel something and establish an emotion when looking at it, so that’s what I really wanted to do for my audience. I first wanted to develop pathos by making the painting stick out and become noticeable in an intense way. I then used ethos by using actual quotes from those who live in Puerto Rico as protest signs so that viewers can actually know the opinions and beliefs that they have in regards to Puerto Rico’s independence and not just my thoughts as the creator.
I would ideally like my work to be displayed in a public location for more people to see instead of having in an enclosed space since the point of this art piece is to develop a message for others. I would like to see this by where I live, which is a primarily Puerto Rican neighborhood where I have seen a lot of art that relates to the Puerto Rican culture. Although, people in this area might already know about the issue I also want to encourage them to finally take action instead of only agreeing with it. I see a lot of discussions about this topic, but there should also be a reconstruction involving this matter. This would be a great impact because there are many “protest” artworks that involve Puerto Rico in this area, and I think it’s also very important to show what Puerto Rico and the citizens of Puerto Rico are currently going through and not only the beauty of it.
“Puerto Rico's Protest Art Calls for the Island's Independence.” Puerto Rico's Protest Art Calls for the Island's Independence, VICE NEWS, 19 June 2017,
The Dream of Puerto Rican Independence, and the Story of Heriberto MarĂn, The New Yorker, 18 January 2018,
America's secret Caribbean colony, USA | Al jazeera, 18 August 2017,
“Puerto Rico's Protest Art Calls for the Island's Independence.” Puerto Rico's Protest Art Calls for the Island's Independence, VICE NEWS, 19 June 2017,
The Dream of Puerto Rican Independence, and the Story of Heriberto MarĂn, The New Yorker, 18 January 2018,
America's secret Caribbean colony, USA | Al jazeera, 18 August 2017,
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