Partners In Time!
For this elective term, I am taking a STEAM class called Game Changers. In this class, we have been learning the different mechanisms, strategies, logistics, and engineering of different games. We have gone on Field Experiences where we have met game designers and understood how much effort and thought that goes into a game. Over this term, we have played many games and analyzed each aspect of it. For this Action Project, we were able to create our own game. By creating our own game, we had to make sure we identified the theme, strategies, player interaction, scoring mechanism, the design, the player elimination, having to have clear and understandable wording for the players, etc. At the beginning of this term, I had never played many games and when I did, I didn’t think about all of the different components they contained. Now that I am creating my own game with my group, I can see each tiny detail a game is made out of.
Pitch For Partners In Time:
Partners In Time is a game where you join two time travellers, Steve Howard and Dino, as part of their adventure from 1880 to 1990. Compete with other players to collect as any artifacts around the clock as possible. Be the player with the most artifacts at the end of the game to win! This game is intended to learn how multitask and strategize; it also has the added benefit of teaching interesting historical facts along the way. This game will be fun over lots of ages, but a particular target audience is that of history teachers so that are able to teach their students history in the most fun way as possible.
While creating our game, we had many different ideas of what exactly we wanted to do, but we had the inspiration of doing something with time travel and history. In the beginning, I feel like we made an elaborate idea for our idea for the game that contained different pieces to it. It was an interesting idea that we had, but it was way too much to create; we didn’t realize that at the time. As we started to bring out more ideas and started to talk about the design, part of the idea we came up with a different idea that was straightforward but still included the elements we had from the original idea. Then we started our prototype and developed our game, cards, artifacts. etc. Now we were ready for players to playtest! By having others playtest our game, we had a lot of feedback from the design to the strategies of the game. We decided to make the theme stronger and really make sure it’s a game that anyone can enjoy. We also decided to make the game more customized. For example, we were going to use a standard deck of cards but decided to make our own and create that sense of creativity.
I believe that everyone in our group contributed to the work that we did, so we were able to make a solid game and a game where it has some of each component a game needs. Besides that, we made sure that everyone did a bit of each part where we knew what was going on so each of us would be able to see each step we took to process our game. Personally, I was super excited about the design and illustration for ours. As a group, we decided to go with a steampunk theme which I thought went super well with our overall concept. When it came to creating the art for the game we all took a part in that where we all really shared that same interest in really putting our time into actually creating the cards, game pieces, board, etc. I am really proud of that part of our game since we all really pitched in on that end. I think a spot that I can improve on is patience. When creating a game, I didn’t realize that it takes so long so when coming up with the idea and design with my group, I had to make sure I really put as much patience as possible when it came to the art and illustration.
Pitch For Partners In Time:
Partners In Time is a game where you join two time travellers, Steve Howard and Dino, as part of their adventure from 1880 to 1990. Compete with other players to collect as any artifacts around the clock as possible. Be the player with the most artifacts at the end of the game to win! This game is intended to learn how multitask and strategize; it also has the added benefit of teaching interesting historical facts along the way. This game will be fun over lots of ages, but a particular target audience is that of history teachers so that are able to teach their students history in the most fun way as possible.
While creating our game, we had many different ideas of what exactly we wanted to do, but we had the inspiration of doing something with time travel and history. In the beginning, I feel like we made an elaborate idea for our idea for the game that contained different pieces to it. It was an interesting idea that we had, but it was way too much to create; we didn’t realize that at the time. As we started to bring out more ideas and started to talk about the design, part of the idea we came up with a different idea that was straightforward but still included the elements we had from the original idea. Then we started our prototype and developed our game, cards, artifacts. etc. Now we were ready for players to playtest! By having others playtest our game, we had a lot of feedback from the design to the strategies of the game. We decided to make the theme stronger and really make sure it’s a game that anyone can enjoy. We also decided to make the game more customized. For example, we were going to use a standard deck of cards but decided to make our own and create that sense of creativity.
I believe that everyone in our group contributed to the work that we did, so we were able to make a solid game and a game where it has some of each component a game needs. Besides that, we made sure that everyone did a bit of each part where we knew what was going on so each of us would be able to see each step we took to process our game. Personally, I was super excited about the design and illustration for ours. As a group, we decided to go with a steampunk theme which I thought went super well with our overall concept. When it came to creating the art for the game we all took a part in that where we all really shared that same interest in really putting our time into actually creating the cards, game pieces, board, etc. I am really proud of that part of our game since we all really pitched in on that end. I think a spot that I can improve on is patience. When creating a game, I didn’t realize that it takes so long so when coming up with the idea and design with my group, I had to make sure I really put as much patience as possible when it came to the art and illustration.
Overall, I believe that by choosing the partners that I did made a really big impact. When creating this game, we made sure that we were on the same page and opened our ears to different ideas. When coming up with the theme we were all super pumped to get started, and when we came up with the concept of the game we were even more excited because we found our own game fun. I think that if I worked with a different group, the game wouldn't be anything close to the game we created for this action project. I think that if my team and I weren't on the same page, it wouldn't have been such a smooth and successful game. We each wanted to make sure that we each had a role and job we had to take care of. There wasn't any team member that was just not doing their part of the work. A roadblock that we did have as a team was time. We did manage our time but we didn't know how time consuming it is when creating a game. So I can say each person was a bit stressed or worried about that, but a way that we overcame that was making sure we each had a task to do and made sure that we figured out a good time to complete the things we needed to complete especially outside of class.
The Game:
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