How Does The Human Population Affect The Titi Monkeys?
Over this unit of Population, we have been learning about the interactions and relationships organisms grow over time to survive or if they don't benefit depending on different interactions with different organisms. There's a lot of different kind of interactions that organisms develop such as, amensalism, commensalism, predator, mutualism, neutralism, competition, and parasitism but for this action project, we are looking at how humans affect a certain type of organism. For this action project, I chose the Titi Monkey and how human might affect their species as a whole. I will be looking at the interactions humans and the Titi Monkeys have with one another, and the population of the organisms over these past years.
I will be telling you facts about the organisms and showing you how humans affect the Titi Monkeys and if they changed over time because of the human interactions with them or if they don't even have an effect in them. When finding the population for the Titi Monkeys I had to find the rate of how many times a year the monkey's reproduced and their death rate. I found only found the population for the year 2005, so by finding that I was, fortunately, able to figure out their population for the following year after that.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed learning about the relationships that organisms have that each other; that can depend on whether or not they can/ will survive. I am pretty sad that this is the last action project for this term of the population but, I believe that it was actually a pretty beneficial action project. The interactions between organisms can impact a lot of things in nature just by little things they do and don't acknowledge it. They believe it's a natural thing. Over this term, I learned a lot about the Titi Monkeys and really explored different situations with the monkeys and how they live.
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SR.TitiMonkeys.2018 |
2) Types of Plants in the South American Rainforest. Garden Guides. September 21, 2017
3) Titi Monkeys - Facts, Information & Habitat. Animal Corner. October 17, 2018
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