Independence for Puerto Rico

Throughout this term of Rhetoric, we have continued to learn and conduct a search about what it means to be rhetorical. This term really focused on the art of rhetorical and what can be demonstrated through art. Through this process, we did some research about different artists, and we had to analyze the rhetorical that we found within the pieces. For this action project, we had to create our own individual piece that tackles some type of global and current issue. When creating this piece we had to make sure that we include the concepts of pathos, ethos, and logos along with rhetorical devices. We were open to many different mediums like poetry, music, visual art, etc. I chose to create a multi-media art piece that speaks upon Puerto Rican independence. SR. PUERTORICOINDEPENDENCE. 2019 ARTIST STATEMENT: I am a sixteen-year-old Puerto Rican from Humboldt Park, Chicago. This piece is focused on the Puerto Rican Independence Movement that is currently occurring in Puerto Rico. The...