
Showing posts from October, 2018

How Does The Human Population Affect The Titi Monkeys?

Over this unit of Population, we have been learning about the interactions and relationships organisms grow over time to survive or if they don't benefit depending on different interactions with different organisms. There's a lot of different kind of interactions that organisms develop such as, amensalism, commensalism, predator, mutualism, neutralism, competition, and parasitism but for this action project, we are looking at how humans affect a certain type of organism. For this action project, I chose the Titi Monkey and how human might affect their species as a whole. I will be looking at the interactions humans and the Titi Monkeys have with one another, and the population of the organisms over these past years. SR.TitiMonkeys.2018 I will be telling you facts about the organisms and showing you how humans affect the Titi Monkeys and if they changed over time because of the human interactions with them or if they don't even have an effect in them. When finding the p...

The Stages Of A Hero

In this term of Stories, we have been learning about the stages of a hero's journey. We dove into what a hero's journey means and their effects they have onto a story. The hero's journey is also called a "monomyth." There are seventeen stages of a hero's journey that each character or each person goes through, throughout their adventure. Each stage is an important key to the adventure to continue onto the story and to add to it. The stages can be represented as a step farther into the journey, and as it continues, you can see the "hero" growing into someone different or into someone who has more experience in a certain topic. For this action project, I had to choose a fictional "hero" and a real-life "hero." For the real-life "hero", we had to conduct an interview and ask them about their hero's journey from whatever experience they have had. For my fictional character, I chose Carl Fredrickson from the movie Up. T...

The Journey Of Writing

Day 1- In the class of Writer's Toolbox, we have been talking about different types of poetry and the styles you can use to express yourself or send across a message. We have been diving into different poets and the techniques and strategies they use when writing. In Writer's Toolbox, we are usually able to freely write and find ways we can improve our writing, so we are able to become better writers. For this action project, we are choosing a piece of our work and we will be revising it day by day. As go on with this process we will be going back to what we have learned like grammar skills and writers/poets that we can be inspired by. SR.OriginalPic.2018 1) When I started writing this piece I was in class. I believe there was a French song on, and the prompt we had was to pick one thing that we can have in the world. As I was writing I was just trying to brainstorm things that I wish existed and I knew couldn't ever exist. 2) When I look back at my work I notice...

La Importancia Del Arte

Introduccion:  Hola en la clase de Espanol 3. En la termino hablamos sobre artistas y la historia de Espana. En la clase hablamos sobre la pinturas y figuras importante y que es la influencia. Aprendimos la diferente artistas y los estilos de arte. Tembien aprendimos sobre la cultura y tradiciones de Espana y como afecta a las personas que vivan alli. Realmente me gusta aprendiendo a la importancia de la arte, artistas, y la tradiciones de Espana. En este termino de Espanol 3, hicimos un gran vistazo a muchos tipos de artistas de Espana. Como Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, y muchos mas artistas. A lo largo de las semanas en Espanol hemos aprendido sobre muchos artistas y de donde vinieron, pero creo que es mucho mas que eso. Estamos aprendiendo sobre los diferentes estilos y significados detras de cada otras pintura y arte. Como artista no es solo un estilo artistico es algo que expresa tu emoción. Hay diferentes maneras de interpretar diferentes piezas en funcion de su mente y ...

Don't Get Your Forest In A Twist

In this unit of Population, we have been talking about evolution and the changes in organisms and how they adapt to the environment around them. In this action project, we are hypothetically creating a different environment and habitat for the organism we chose. I decided to choose the Bolivian Gray Titi Monkey (Callicebus donacophilus ) which I worked on in my previous action project. Since we had to create a different environment, we are observing the organism to see if they can survive through the changes and how they might actually evolve so that they can survive to the new habitat. Throughout this unit, we were luckily able to go to the Field Museum. With this experience, we were able to go in depth of evolution and really analyze the history of many organisms and how they have changed throughout time. It was a very interesting and engaging being able to look in each exhibit and be able to relate what we saw to what we were learning in class. The Evolution Of The ...

The Beaver And Raccoon

In this unit of stories, we have been talking about fables. In class, we have been talking about Aesop fable and Panchatantra fables. While reading these two different types of fables we were looking at the characteristics of the fables; such as personification, symbolism, and character development. We were discussing what exactly makes up a story, how do you develop a character, and how can we use a story to teach a lesson. For the action project, for this unit, we had to create our own fable. Over this unit, I have learned about the importance of them and how different they can be depending on where they come from and cultural traditions some people have that incorporate that into the fables.  I decided to make my fable about working hard and not letting anything get in the way the reason I chose this value is because I believe that if someone works hard enough they are capable of anything. SR.BeaverandRaccoon.2018 The Beaver And The Raccoon One day in the...