Don't Doubt your Dreams

In this unit in Who Am I? We are talking about Doubt and Dream. We were discussing about Freudian theories and Doubts we might have about our beliefs and doubts we might have about our life. I believe that this unit we were able to figure our self out. We also went over Erik Erickson who was a psychoanalysis who created the stages of life. It was interesting because each stage has a meaning behind it. For our AP we were assigned to create a dream catcher to signify things that symbolize us. SR.DreamCatcher.2017 Overall, I believe this unit was very useful and helpful unit. It was very interesting learning about the many stages of life by Erik Erkison and the Freudian theory with psychosocial and psychosexual. Even though the class is called Who Am I? I stilled haven't figured out who I am exactly. I believe doubt and dream can take many turns and can tell a lot about ourselves and what we think is true. I believe this was a great way to end this unit.